Relaxed and happy BXST Fun Games

Date:2021-12-02 08:55:43 click:1053

      On November 26, in the warm daylight, the basketball court in the park where BXST  was located was full of people, with cheers and shouts one after another. At 13:00, 2021 BXST's second employee fun games officially kicked off.

     Five teams from various positions in various systems and departments competed around 11 fun sports. The assembly team won the first place in the tug-of-war competition. The Binhaiyingge team won the Best Style Award. The other 30 contestants in the PK of the project team won the first, second and third prizes.

     Manager, Chen Mintao, in his fantastic opening speech said that friendship always comes first, competition is second, and ranking is secondary. The purpose of holding this event is to stimulate everyone's sense of collaboration, team work, and participation so that everyone can relax and have a good experience after work. The happiness brought by sports cultivates BXST  people's positive, optimistic, united struggle, innovative and pragmatic work style and spiritual outlook. BXST is to be an enterprise that allows employees to experience the organizational temperature, and obtain a sense of happiness and presence. In the future, similar activities will continue to be held to improve working experience