Do I need to buy a voltage protector for my home?

Date:2022-08-23 05:09:24 click:1269

Do I need to buy a voltage protector for my home?

If you live in an area with unstable voltages, you'll be happy to have a home voltage protector. What is the function of a voltage protector? How does a voltage protector for the home act?


What is the function of a household voltage protector?
Why are home voltage protectors necessary?
How to use voltage protectors safely?

What is the function of a household voltage protector?

voltage protector is simple in design and structure. At the same time, it has the characteristics of small size, lightweight, and low cost. Its function is to have under voltage, overvoltage, delay time, and other TV/refrigerator

protection functions. Ensure the operating environment of the TV/refrigerator, reduce the damage of voltage to the TV/refrigerator compressor, and prolong the service life of the refrigerator

Why are home voltage protectors necessary?

1. Power surges or spikes can introduce excessive voltage into items that are not designed to withstand such voltages. It's a bit like trying to heat some leftovers in a blast furnace instead of a low-temperature home oven: not only will extreme heat ruin the food and render it inedible, but there's a good chance that the pan or container of food you use to serve it will also be damaged irretrievably.

2. The current passing through the material generates heat, which you may have noticed if you have touched the plugged laptop power supply while using it, or even the bottom of the laptop. Extreme voltages generate enough heat to melt the coating on the wires as well as solder and other components inside the electronics plugged into the sockets. A lightning strike capable of producing millions of volts may even scorch the area around the socket and melt part of the socket cover. If a home is affected by a lightning strike, it is not unusual for at least some electronics to stop working properly.


How to use voltage protectors safely?

Although some voltage protectors look a bit like power strips and allow multiple items to be plugged in at the same time, a regular power strip will not protect against power surges. This is true even if the power strip has a built-in circuit breaker. The most useful surge protectors provide plenty of outlets to plug in your valuable electronics. If your electronics have boxy power supplies or "wall warts" that typically block nearby wall outlets when plugged in, look for a surge protector that provides more space between outlets so you have room to plug everything in. Over time, voltage protectors degrade and eventually lose their ability to provide a lot of protection, especially after experiencing a power surge or two. If you are not sure if your voltage protector is still working properly or if you have been using it continuously for more than a few years, it is best to replace it.


If you are looking for a supplier of high-quality voltage protectors for your home at a reasonable price, the Wenzhou BXST Co., Ltd. is a very good choice.