Before you received our products, what happened to BXST?

Date:2020-11-12 03:59:00 click:1255

Our employees removed these components from the truck and carefully placed them on the ground before transferring them to our warehouse. The entire progress ensures the proper storage and safety of the components. Don't worry about the professionalism of our product warehousing.

We strictly follow these five processes to implement our warehouse management, which is Select, Rectify, Sweep, Clean, Security, and Professionalism. 

Those are also been posted in our warehouse for employees and managers to introspect in time and conduct more standardized operations to ensure our customers with the best buying experiences.

Before you received our products, what happened to BXST: When shipping the product, we first arrange for employees to carefully move your goods in an orderly manner.

 Secondly, we will conduct careful inspections before loading. Our products will be shipped only after the repeated confirmation. So you see, our rigorous style makes us more trustworthy.